Clothes should be smart but menacing, the typification of a boss character. a suit and overcoat, well dressed and groomed yet with a rugged and rough edge. Inspirations for this character are mainly Jack Crawford in "Man Hunter" (1986) (as seen above) And Jimmy Serrano in "Midnight Run" (1988) as shown below, both played by Dennis Farina.
Friday, 11 October 2013
Film Proposal-Character (Kevin's Boss)
This man is only shown within the film for a short time. He doesn't have an actual identity due to his short role. It is shown from his appearence, the clothes he wears and the manor in which eh talks that he is of a higher position than Kevin and most likely his boss. He should be taller and older than Kevin - in his mid 50's.
Film Proposal-Style and Tone
Style and Tone
- I want my opening scene for my film to be dark and sinister.
- This will be done using lighting and sound.
- The lighting around the location is quite dark already and so little light is needed, only enough light so that each character involved in the scene will be able to be seen on the camera. The lighting also need s to be enough so that the setting and location can be made out with the dark area.
- The Character of the victim in the opening scene needs to be quite scared looking whilst he is running through the building and holding the knife. The character is shook up.
- The Henchmen need to be sinister looking which will link and increase the tension for the audience of the film.
- The sound will be sinister and suspenseful to enhance the Thriller/Crime genre of the opening scene for the film.
- The close up shots for the characters when in dark places should create a shadow side on their faces to enhance the dark opening of this film.

Film Proposal-Sound/Titles
- The music and soundtracks for my film should be dark and sinister but sort of up beat to show the chase and the slightly horror feel to the opening scene. This is shown well in the the soundtrack for the SAW movie series.
- Some darker music that can be used which is not really linked to the up beat chase scene could be the clip below which works well with the Thriller/Horror genre to enhance the tension and suspense with the audience.
- The music that would be used would involve orchestral instruments such as Bells, Strings and Piano. This group of instruments clearly is used mostly and has the most affect to create tension between the audience and the film.
- This video below shows a few films that fit the genre of the opening scene that i will be filming but also has the soundtrack for the type of music and the type of sounds that i would want to use for my soundtrack.
Film Proposal-Characters
Clothes, General Appearance and Props (Kevin)The Main character, the one being pursued never has his face fully shown seeing as he is the one holding the camera the majority of the time. When he is seen, apparel should be casual yet neat and by no means scruffy. Blue Jeans, a t shirt and a jacket with vans or regular Nike shoes. This highlights how much of an everyday looking man the character is, and adds to the tense atmosphere (easier for people to familiarise with him). He should be a similar height and build to the pursuer, probably white, but looks like he has the capability to do bad things (seen in photos). A perfect example of this would be Michael C Hall as Dexter (as seen below)
Clothes that this character should be wearing are shown below. Although not smart, the clothes definitely aren't scrappy and have an heir of taste to them. Again this helps the audience to relate to him and causes us to feel for him.
Clothes, Props and General Appearance (Tyrone)
The pursuers face should never be fully visible - the only point at which the face should be seen (if at all) is to show a red scar covering half of his face. He will be wearing all black, a black hoodie with a black outer jacket and black jeans. This will give a sense of his mysteriousness, a lack of originality and identity but also a menacing quality with which we first get the sense the protagonist is being chased. The red scar on his face could resemble something like in Heartless, The film which would also give the audience the idea of blood. Because of this, the actor that plays the character doesnt matter too much as his personal features are not shown. His height and build are importnat however, and for this I would want a relatively high and well built person to again give off an heir of menace. I would also like to have him have a very similar build and height to the killer as this would bring in the idea of the psychological.
These clothes above highlight the annonimity of the character, no brands or distinguishable features but sill with the ability to look menacing. It also covers up most of the body, gloves may also be worn as well as the possibility of an outer jacket.
Inspirations for this sort of character are similar to the demons in Heartless, or even the main character in Heartless, as shown below. (Obviously without the supernatural feel, and with less visibility of the face.)
The main film I got the idea for the anonymous, hooded protagonist is F (2010) as shown below, with the face completely hidden but a mysterious feel to him.
Film Proposal-Narrative
- Psychological Thriller
- The opening scene would show a character who is having flashbacks of a murder.
- These flashbacks are to be distressing the character who is 'losing his mind'
- The character is to be followed by another character who will play the psychological character who is not really real but is a trick of the subconscious mind that is the main character.
- The locations show that the setting will be in a rural london area and estate.
- The opening scene will show the main character 'losing his mind' am how this would effect him.
- The opening scene will show silhouettes of the psychological being and flashbacks of the murder that took place, this will leave the audience in a state of suspense for not knowing what really happened.

Film Proposal-Setting and Location
Setting and Location
- To start the opening scene after looking at openings from my research I would propose to use film shots of the setting in which the opening scene for the film is taking place.
- The setting that I have line up to use, which is really atmospheric in its buildings and the lighting around the site works with the theme of my Crime/Thriller film.
- The Location would be The William Booth College in Denmark Hill and I would propose that the filming take place at night.
- There are a few locations on site that I would like to use in the opening scene for my film, these consist of the Tower which is the same height as St Paul's Cathedral in central London.
- The Tower platform at the top will have to be lit up by portable lights as the lights used to light the platform up at night cannot be on whilst people are up inside the platform for health and safety reasons.
- There are many locations on site that would be good to use for the various scenes in the opening for the film.
- The lighting around site is very dark and so portable lighting would need to be used.
Friday, 4 October 2013
Jack Reacher
Opening Scene
- Suspenseful orchestral non-diegetic music creates tension for the start of the film whist the credits appear.
- The first shot we see is the shot of the Lever mechanism with the name of the main character which appears.
- The next shot is a panning shot following a white van which poses many questions as to what is in the white van? and who is driving the white van?
- Close ups of the bullets in the grain show the danger and hidden tension as to the film maybe involving shooting.
- Rolling shots following the white van again showing that this white van has some significance to the opening scene.
- The music like most Thriller films in the opening scene gradually gets louder to show the tension and suspense that the producers want the audience to feel.
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Transformers:Dark of The Moon
Opening Scene
- The music like many thrillers is again suspenseful and tense non-diegetic orchestral music.
- The first shot is set in space to show the type of film which could be hybrid film with the two genre's of Thriller and Sci-Fi.
- The first shot is a rolling shot showing the big setting of a futuristic location.
- The Voice over comes in to explain how the film will start which is that a ship went missing which was carrying a precious cargo to what seems like a futuristic alien race.
- The music gets louder as the clips goes on as this endures the tension that comes with the interest of the filming and how the mysterious opening scene makes people want to watch on and find out the hidden mysteries.
- The lighting in space mainly seems to come from one side as if the light is being used from the sun.
- The War is introduced by the voice over at which point a sound-bridge is used to show the violence and the sounds of war which consist of ships flying and guns shooting.
Man Of Steel
Opening Scene
- The music for this opening scene starts off with non-diegetic music of soothing orchestral sounds made mainly from brass instruments.
- The beginning of this opening scene is set in space and once the music starts to play, a sound-bridge is used to show a UFO/figure flying through the sky.
- The Voice overs in this clip are all from news reports and radio shows talking about the mysterious hero.
- The clip is a montage of a character who looks as if he may be the super hero who everyone is looking for. The scene looks at how talented the boy is on and off the running track, with voice over of radio station mentioning the talented young athlete and how great he is.
- The montage also shows the setting of the film in which is shown with the skyline shots of a city.
- The music for the clip seems to be getting louder and this adds to the suspense and tension of the audience wanting to know who this character is.
- The shots in the clip are mainly always panning shots from looking at the scene to establishing the character.
- The climax of the clips is shown when the Superman symbol is shown and the brass music reaches it loudest and most dramatic climax.
- The end of the opening is symbolised by the title showing up on the screen and also the ending of the suspenseful music as the drums are introduced to the music.
Opening Scene
- The first shot is a panning shot rolling through the Sky/Clouds
- The opening scene for this film starts with some soothing piano playing whilst the credits show on screen whilst the scene is showing the clouds and the lighting from the sun.
- A sound-bridge is introduced when the sound of an aeroplane draws nearer as the camera zooms back out into a plane through the window.
- The first shot on the plane carries on zooming out from outside the window until inside the dark plane you can see a figure who starts to emerge through the light from the sun moving the shadows away and reveals the character played by Liam Neeson.
- The opening scene shows a sense of mystery as the music is quite quiet and there is no real set genre to the film which is shown from the opening scene as it really only shows a couple getting off a plane and arriving in Berlin.
- The editing involves quite long shots for the beginning of the opening 1 minute and 20 seconds
- The clip below is longer than the opening i have analysed which is up to the main title which is at 2:50.
Opening Scene
- The opening scene starts off the music with a sound bridge in which links the film to the music and brings the scene together.
- The first shot is a close up of a character in the crowd walking as the editing is used to make this shot slow motion.
- The scene where the two characters meet is used because it shows an everyday scene which is not out of the ordinary in which two men bump into each other.
- The opening scene is used to show a sign of secrecy which is shown when the two men bump into each other and slyly exchange cases.
- The montage after the meeting is used to set the scene. The montage sets the scene widely and shows the location of which the opening scene is taking place.
- The areas of the Mise en Scene are shown with the first character we see wearing sun glasses inside and wearing a nice slick suit in which shows off his wealth and or authority whilst showing a sort of villainous look to the character
- The Camerawork uses some tilting shots whilst setting the scene and whilst the two men bump into each other.
- We seem to get to the know another main character who is a cab driver even before he speaks. This is shown as the character seems organised and clean whilst also being intellectual, by wearing glasses and doing the cross-word.
- The opening of this film shows that the scene is multicultural and diverse.
- The Taxi driver is also shown to not be stereotypical as the driver speaks spanish, again showing the level of intellect which you may not normally see from a cab driver.
Thriller Genre
Definition of a Thriller
Thriller films are films that primarily use action and suspense to engage the audience. They emphasise nervous tension and anxiety. Thrillers are distinct from Horror films and action films because Horror films emphasise fear and action films emphasise exhilaration. Some sun-catagories of Thriller films are the Film Noir, Crime films and Heist films.
Characters that are mainly used in Thriller films are essentially ordinary heroes against villains who threaten to destroy them/their country/business/world. The hero is mainly a typical person who is determined to face the danger alone or deal with much of it themselves.
Thriller films are films that primarily use action and suspense to engage the audience. They emphasise nervous tension and anxiety. Thrillers are distinct from Horror films and action films because Horror films emphasise fear and action films emphasise exhilaration. Some sun-catagories of Thriller films are the Film Noir, Crime films and Heist films.
Characters that are mainly used in Thriller films are essentially ordinary heroes against villains who threaten to destroy them/their country/business/world. The hero is mainly a typical person who is determined to face the danger alone or deal with much of it themselves.
Now You See Me
Opening Scene
- The First shot of the opening of this film is a close up of probably one of the main characters if you have never seen the film before. The close up shot is used so that the character can demonstrate the magic trick that he will perform, not just to the audience in the film but the audience at home as the trick works on those watching at home as well.
- The Music is a quiet suspenseful tone which involves mainly synths to have a hard sound even when the music is quite quiet.
- The opening scene uses a montage to skip between showing the main characters in action.
- Whilst showing the main characters in the film the montage creates an atmosphere and sets the film to show what type of film it will be as most of the opening shows the film to be about magicians and magic tricks/shows.
- Suspense is most commonly shown when something is hidden and then revealed and thats why this film is really good at creating suspense as the whole film is about things being hidden in magic tricks and then the trick being revealed.
- The lighting used for the 4 montage scenes are mainly natural light and sunlight except for the lighting on the inside of the building in which the Woman is performing her trick under water and the First character who seems to be lit up by street lamps and lighting from buildings.
- The Camerawork for the first 2 acts and the 4th act all show the main trick and then look towards the audience to see their reacting and so that the audience at home can have the same tense feeling of the tricks whilst being at home watching the movie on your TV.
- The Camerawork for the 3rd montage scene is mainly just shown between the jumping between the 3 characters involved and how they interact for the trick being shown.
Dark Night Rises
Opening Scene
- The begining shot for the opening scene of this film is a Rolling shot following from behind the plane.
- The music for the opening scene of this film starts off with some suspensful Orchestral music sort of building up to a climax as the opening few seconds follows a plane flying over hills.
- The next few shots are close up's and mid shot's whilst on the plane showing the main characters on the plane and the bystanders.
- The Camera shots then follow onto quick succession shots of the inside people and the Hijacker's on the outside of the plane.
- Once the filming starts on the plane, the music stays the same but seems to have some quiet chanting of words which cannot be clearly made out.
- The music climax's to the point at 2:12 when the character of Bane says "crashing this plane". then the Music becomes quicker and louder suspensful music with the chanting being even louder now as well.
- At the final moments in the scene when the Hijacker's drop the plane, the chanting is at its loudest to enhance the Thriller and increase Tension.
- The only main lighting for the opening scene comes fromt eh Sun when shining on the plane from over the hills. Once on the plane, all other lighting mainly comes from the outside light through the windows on the plane.
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Consuming a film by Internet
How many different ways can you 'Consume a film' on the internet?
Skyfall Website:Skyfall is a modern looking website with a simple layout which has many features of which bel viewers to navigate around the website easily. The Skyfall website offers many freebees to consumer viewers and to increase interest for the film so that more people will want to go and see the film in the cinema or buy it on DVD. There is music from the film on loop whilst browsing through the different features on the website but also there is the option to listen to the soundtrack album from the film on the website. The website also shows which partners were involved in the film to show connections to big brands of new brands such as the new 'James Bond' aftershave fragrance.
Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World Website:
This website features many animations for the menu and interaction from the viewer to the website. The site is interesting and does not bore me when I browse through the site although that being said the music is a bit boring after its on loops so much so i turned it off but at least the site has the function to turn the music off. The Navigation around the site is not as straight forward as the Skyfall site but I still thought that this website was more interactive and interesting to navigate around on. The website layout and typography used for this website is very much linked with what the film is like and how POP style animations and Comic layout reflects of the film.
Looper Website:
Looper has the most interactive and modern looking website out of all the three I have looked at. The website animations are big and bold and very reflective of the film. The website has a very Sci-Fi feel to it as the film is very much linked to this genre as a futuristic film, the website is also very futuristic looking. I really liked this website but as to many, the website may be slightly complicated to navigate around and to browse through the many features to consume the film and to gain interest into it.
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