Film Title Planning + Some Graphics
Many of the films of a similar genre have names which are short, catchy and suggest something about the mind or psychological. Many are only one word long - Examples being:
From these findings we can take that the title of our film should follow the pattern, as countless films before us can't be wrong as to what works as a title. In terms of the one word approach, a synonym of something like fracture we found would work the best - Such examples include;
Taking the idea of the title being 'Existence', this then brings up the question as to how it is going to look in the film and on the title poster (usually both the same). Again taking inspiration from previous films of the same genre, the norm is to have either a very plain title which emphasises the name of the film, or a faded and horror styled font such as True Lies (True Lies Font Download) which sets the tone of the film. In the poster of Psycho, one can see the crack going through the centre of the text shows the fragmented nature of the 'Psycho'. Similarly, in 'The Haunting' the title takes a traditionally Gothic font and background.
Finally, in terms of the structure of various films titles and opening scenes, especially within the Psychological thriller genre, the credits appear during the opening scene in order for the action to commence straight away. It also contextualises the names and from the first second you can guess what sort of a film you are going to be watching. Examples of such title sequences are Memento (shown below) and Seven (also Shown Below). We see our opening as a possibility to embed the titles like the bottom two do, with the black flashes showing the actors names with the producers names (us) and production company placed throughout the opening.
- Identity
- Seven
- Fracture
- Flatliners
- Unbreakable
From these findings we can take that the title of our film should follow the pattern, as countless films before us can't be wrong as to what works as a title. In terms of the one word approach, a synonym of something like fracture we found would work the best - Such examples include;
- Rift
- Splinter (Already Taken)
- Breach
- Schism
Taking the idea of the title being 'Existence', this then brings up the question as to how it is going to look in the film and on the title poster (usually both the same). Again taking inspiration from previous films of the same genre, the norm is to have either a very plain title which emphasises the name of the film, or a faded and horror styled font such as True Lies (True Lies Font Download) which sets the tone of the film. In the poster of Psycho, one can see the crack going through the centre of the text shows the fragmented nature of the 'Psycho'. Similarly, in 'The Haunting' the title takes a traditionally Gothic font and background.
Finally, in terms of the structure of various films titles and opening scenes, especially within the Psychological thriller genre, the credits appear during the opening scene in order for the action to commence straight away. It also contextualises the names and from the first second you can guess what sort of a film you are going to be watching. Examples of such title sequences are Memento (shown below) and Seven (also Shown Below). We see our opening as a possibility to embed the titles like the bottom two do, with the black flashes showing the actors names with the producers names (us) and production company placed throughout the opening.
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