These are some screen shots of the findings from the Media blog which was posted online.
These are the finding from the question asked which was 'What is your gender?'. The graph shows that mostly people who completed the survey were Female.
The main age for people who took the survey was between 30-50. This is not the target audience for the film that i am making but this could show if people of this age group would still see the film and what films they like in general.

Comedy was the favourite genre overall of films for the people who completed the survey but following behind was the Thriller Genre.
Above are the comments on the reasons why their chosen favourite genre appealed to them. The responses showed how the genres made them feel as an audience and how this helped interest the audience.
People said that mostly the storyline is what attracts them to watch films, this is closely followed by friends recommendation and Actors.
The table below shows the results of which films people would rank the highest out of the films which were displayed on the survey. I tried to vary the genres of the films but some people had not seen some of the films on the list so this question was hard to get a true response for the rankings.
This shows that going to the cinema for most people is an occasion and experience as many people said in the survey that they go to the cinema less than once a month. People also said that they watch films at least once a week which shows that there are many ways in which to consume films other than going to the cinema.
The findings for these questions will help me and my partner to understand which audience to aim our film at and how to make it more interesting for the audience to branch out and gain a better interest.
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